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A1200 Compact Flash Card CF 4GB


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File System:

A1200 Compact Flash Card 4GB
Compact Flash card with 4GB capacity, prepped and formatted as a hard drive.
This hard drive is split into three partitions:
  System (bootable)
We can prep the hard drive with a choice of the following file systems (select options):
Smart File System (SFS)
Fast File System (FFS)
Professional File System (PFS)
The drive is preloaded with our exclusive Amiga Kit OS Install program which allows you to quickly install Workbench with the minimum of hassle.
Directory Opus 4.16 GPL is preloaded onto the hard disk for easy file management. The Amiga's premier game installer, WHDLOAD (unregistered version) is also pre-installed with kind permission from the author.
We sell optional CF to IDE adapter separately (click here)

A1200 is a registered trade mark of AmigaKit Ltd in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemboug, Spain, Australia, Switzerland.  
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